The best part about working at Great Oaks Camp is seeing God bring people and resources together to accomplish His purposes. Our new building is the latest example of God’s provision. A few years ago, Dr. William Washington reconnected with Great Oaks Camp, and eventually, he became our Board President. From the moment he joined our board, he has always challenged us to dream bigger. Therefore, as a group, we began to think about the future of Great Oaks Camp. About a year after Dr. Washington joined the board, Martin Collier, a local architect, was brought on board. He insisted that dreaming big, in terms of future facilities, meant constructing buildings with materials which allow for longevity, have minimal upkeep costs, and that are energy efficient.
As many of you know, last December God used an anonymous donor to provide the funds needed to build a new Maintenance Shop and Office. Because God has gifted Great Oaks with some awesome staff members, like Jim Klingbiel and Graham League, I knew my role, in planning this building project, was just to sit back and listen. Dr. Washington and Martin Collier, along with Jim, Graham, and the local contractor we hired, began to make this dream a reality. I cannot go on, though, without mentioning the rest of the Great Oaks Staff and Board Members: Paul Tanner, Dr. Robert Stine, Scott Rauch, Pastor Joe Horn, Pastor Martin Johnson, Kathy Porter, and Roger Meyer. Without their contributions during this project, it would not have been a success. It is great to be part of a team whose sole agenda is to serve the Lord by making Great Oaks Camp the best it can be and continue the ministry Jerry Stafford started so long ago. I am excited to see what God has in store for our future and how He will continue using the above team members, as well as our newest Board Member, Dr. Raleigh Washington.